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Laws and Ethics Time


     Your safety is everything. The very first step in creating a safe environment in which to do important work is our boundary agreements. We need agreed upon expectations of each other so you don't have to waste time wondering and not being sure where we stand. This will also allow you to let the parts of you that monitor your safety spend some time doing slightly more fulfilling things!


     Before your first session please print out, read,  fill out and sign the documents I have created links to below. If you do not have access to a printer you can use one at the pubic library.

Coquille River Lighthouse

Dream Time

     During the next few days that pass before you have your next session, please do your best to pay attention to your dreams. Often the parts of us that we are less aware of have thoughts and feelings about starting therapy. These feelings are often expressed in the dream world right before therapy starts and this dream is called The Presenting Dream. They are a kind of message in a bottle to me that let me know where you are at and what your system wants to work on. We may or may not talk about it much the first session and bringing a presenting dream is completely up to you. If you are not interested in working in this way I am totally fine with that as well.


     You may not often dream and are worried that you won’t have a presenting dream. You will have whatever your system wants you to have so don’t feel that you have to show up with something. Even the tiniest dream  


Please call me with any questions you might have about these forms and I will be happy to go over them with you.


1 – Client Intake Form

2 – Insurance Intake Form (this needs to be arranged before the first session)

3 – Professional Disclosure Statement

4 – Client’s Rights

5 – Consent to Treat

6 – Payment Agreement

7 – Credit Card Release

8 – Electronic Communication Agreement

*9 – Release of Information


* If you need me to have access to information from a former therapist, former or current doctors, or to co-ordinate care with anyone who is not your insurance provider, you will need to fill this out and give a copy to each person or organization I will need to receive or exchange information with. Please let me know when you have given this release to these providers so that I can follow up. Thank You!  


10 - Telemental Health Informed Consent Addendum*


* If we have agreed to conduct our sessions with videoconferencing or by phone please add this document to the documents you read, fill out and sign before our first session.

fragment can be a huge message and a big help. If you dream a lot and have many dreams between setting up our session time and coming in, just pick the dream that seems to want to be picked. You can even ask your dream world to try to make itself obvious to you.


     When your dream comes please write it down and bring me a copy to keep for our records. Please write the dream in the present tense, “I am walking down a sidewalk at night” vs. “I was walking down a sidewalk at night”. Also, giving the dream a title is helpful too.


     If nine forms and a written dream is feeling overwhelming, don’t worry about the dream. Do what feels good to you.




I am so looking forward to meeting you and starting our work together! See you soon!

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